Terapia ocupacional
Personalizado y completo
La Terapia Ocupacional es una forma de terapia para quienes se recuperan de una enfermedad física o mental que fomenta la rehabilitación mediante la realización de actividades requeridas en la vida diaria.
La terapia ocupacional es la única profesión que ayuda a las personas a lo largo de su vida a hacer las cosas que quieren y necesitan hacer mediante el uso terapéutico de las actividades diarias (ocupaciones). Los terapeutas ocupacionales permiten que las personas de todas las edades vivan la vida al máximo ayudándoles a promover la salud y prevenir, o vivir mejor con, lesiones, enfermedades o discapacidades.
Las intervenciones habituales de terapia ocupacional incluyen ayudar a los niños con discapacidades a participar plenamente en situaciones escolares y sociales, ayudar a las personas que se recuperan de una lesión a recuperar habilidades y brindar apoyo a los adultos mayores que experimentan cambios físicos y cognitivos. Los servicios de terapia ocupacional generalmente incluyen:
una evaluación individualizada, durante la cual el cliente / familia y el terapeuta ocupacional determinan los objetivos de la persona,
Intervención personalizada para mejorar la capacidad de la persona para realizar las actividades diarias y alcanzar las metas, y
una evaluación de resultados para asegurar que se están cumpliendo los objetivos y / o realizar cambios en el plan de intervención.
Los profesionales de la terapia ocupacional tienen una perspectiva holística, en la que el enfoque está en adaptar el entorno y / o la tarea para que se adapte a la persona, y la persona es una parte integral del equipo de terapia. Es una práctica basada en la evidencia profundamente arraigada en la ciencia.

Aryeh currently serves as Director of Occupational Therapy at Project Ohr, a division of Monsey Health Center. He graduated from Touro College Bay Shore campus in 2015 with a Bachelors in Health and Science and a Masters in Occupational Therapy. Aryeh specializes in pediatrics as well as clients with developmental disabilities in which he has over 13 years of experience. Through fun and researched based practices, he helps his clients reach their full potential and maintain/improve their quality of life. Aryeh practices predominantly with English and Yiddish Speaking clients
Languages Spoken: English and Yiddish

Chaya Shipper is a licensed Occupational Therapist. She is a graduate of Long Island University with a Master’s degree in occupational therapy and holds a double Bachelor’s degree in science and liberal arts.
Chaya has several years of experience working in pediatric OT.
Her specialized training includes handwriting delays, sensory processing disorders, motor planning deficiencies and therapeutic massage including MNRI.
Chaya has successfully helped children increase their strength, visual discrimination skills, short term memory, attention, fine motor dexterity and gross motor skills. She has experience working with children with ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, and other developmental delays. Additionally, Chaya has helped numerous neurotypical children improve their skill sets both at home and in school.

Michaela graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Science from Messiah University, and in 2017 with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University.
Michaela is certified through the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, certified as a Fieldwork Educator through the American Occupational Therapy Association, and a member of the Alpha Eta Honor Society for Health Professions.
She has extensive experience treating individuals with cognitive, neurological, and orthopedic conditions, specializing in pelvic floor health and rehabilitation. She currently provides early intervention services to children from birth to age 3 and treats children and adults in the outpatient setting.
Michaela is committed to providing care with excellence and compassion, advocating for client health and wellness, and improving clients’ overall satisfaction with the roles and routines that are most meaningful to them. Michaela primarily works with English and Spanish speaking clients.
Languages Spoken: English & Basic Spanish